High Style Bouquet
High Style Bouquet
High Style Bouquet
$89.95The High Style Bouquet is on-trend and ready to wow your special recipient with it's mix of bold and beautiful blooms! Rich red roses, Stargazer Lilies, pink Peruvian Lilies, burgundy mini carnations, pink statice, and lush greens are arranged to perfection by our floral professionals to create a gi...

Pure Perfection Bouquet
Pure Perfection Bouquet
Pure Perfection Bouquet
$84.95The Pure Perfection Bouquet exudes a bright beauty and bold sophistication to send your sweetest wishes to friends and family near and far. Hot pink roses, carnations, mini carnations and gerbera daisies are accented with brilliant blue iris and lush greens to create a fascinating flower arrangement...

Best Day Bouquet
Best Day Bouquet
Best Day Bouquet
$84.95The Best Day Bouquet is ready to create a moment your recipient will always remember! An instant mood booster with it's mix of bright bold colors, this gorgeous fresh flower arrangement brings together sunflowers, hot pink roses, purple double lisianthus, orange LA Hybrid Lilies, yellow snapdragons,...

The Light of My Life Bouquet
The Light of My Life Bouquet
The Light of My Life Bouquet
$84.95They always brighten your day and now it's time to return the favor. Send light and love with this gorgeous flower arrangement, bringing together orange Asiatic Lilies, fuchsia carnations, and red Peruvian Lilies, beautifully accented with lavender button poms and lush greens in a classic clear glas...

White Poinsettia Basket (Large)
White Poinsettia Basket (Large)
White Poinsettia Basket (Large)
$99.95The elegant winter white poinsettia is a lovely variation to a classic holiday gift....

The Glowing Elegance Centerpiece
The Glowing Elegance Centerpiece
The Glowing Elegance Centerpiece
$99.95The Glowing Elegance Centerpiece brings a warm sophistication to your holiday table with each snow-kissed bloom. White roses, spray roses, carnations, mini carnations and baby's breath are beautifully arranged amongst an assortment of lush holiday greens to create an incredible winter holiday displa...

Red Poinsettia Basket (Large)
Red Poinsettia Basket (Large)
Red Poinsettia Basket (Large)
$99.95The traditional holiday blooming plant, a Christmas Poinsettia, with its dark leaves and deep red flowers is the perfect gift for family and friends....

The Spirit of the Season Bouquet
The Spirit of the Season Bouquet
The Spirit of the Season Bouquet
$84.95A sensational splash of red to celebrate the Christmas season in style, this impressive flower bouquet is ready to get you noticed. Red roses, gerbera daisies, Peruvian Lilies, mini carnations, and hypericum berries are accented with an assortment of fresh Christmas greens to create a joyful holiday...

The Christmas Peace Bouquet
The Christmas Peace Bouquet
The Christmas Peace Bouquet
$89.95The Christmas Peace Bouquet brings beauty and grace to their home or holiday table with each elegant bloom. Rich red roses are a standout arranged amongst red carnations and mini carnations, red hypericum berries and an assortment of lush holiday greens. Accented with white pinecone pics and a red, ...

Celebration of the Season Centerpiece
Celebration of the Season Centerpiece
Celebration of the Season Centerpiece
$89.95The Celebration of the Season Centerpiece is a grand display of holiday elegance. Red roses and spray roses pop against a backdrop of assorted holiday greens and variegated holly that beautifully encircle three red taper candles. Accented with gold pinecones and gold metallic brocade ribbon this cen...

The Season's Glow Centerpiece
The Season's Glow Centerpiece
The Season's Glow Centerpiece
$89.95The Season's Glow Centerpiece blooms with winter elegance and holiday enchantment to grace your Christmas celebrations. White LA hybrid lilies, carnations, chrysanthemums and statice are arranged amongst holiday greens and accented with gold pinecones and a gold plaid French wired ribbon for an exqu...

Lights of the Season Centerpiece
Lights of the Season Centerpiece
Lights of the Season Centerpiece
$84.95The Lights of the Season Centerpiece is an exquisite way to bring the magic of the holiday season to your celebrations with family and friends. Brilliant red carnations and mini carnations are gorgeously arranged amongst variegated holly and an assortment of holiday greens. Accented with red glass b...

Life Celebration Basket
Life Celebration Basket
Life Celebration Basket
$94.95Celebrate a life well lived and honor their passing with this serene basket arrangement of purple hydrangea, lavender and white roses and baby's breath....

Precious Pink Roses
Precious Pink Roses
Precious Pink Roses
$89.95Offer your eternal love and adoration with one dozen soft pink roses arranged with baby?s breath and lush greens in a clear glass vase....

The Yellow Rose Bouquet
The Yellow Rose Bouquet
The Yellow Rose Bouquet
$89.95Sunny yellow roses are a cheery and wonderful gift. Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, graduation or any occasion with this lively bouquet arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a clear glass vase....

The Blooming Masterpiece Rose Bouquet
The Blooming Masterpiece Rose Bouquet
The Blooming Masterpiece Rose Bouquet
$89.95The Blooming Masterpiece Rose Bouquet is a classic expression of love and sweet affection! A dozen red roses arrive accented with lush greens, all beautifully arranged in a clear glass vase....

The Bright Spark Rose Bouquet
The Bright Spark Rose Bouquet
The Bright Spark Rose Bouquet
$89.95This spirited bouquet holds roses in bold hues - hot pink, orange, red and bright yellow. Certain to be an attention-getter! These vivacious roses are arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a clear glass vase....

The Enchanting Rose Bouquet
The Enchanting Rose Bouquet
The Enchanting Rose Bouquet
$89.95The Enchanting Rose Bouquet is a classic expression of love and sweet affection! A dozen mixed roses arrive accented with lush greens, all beautifully arranged in a clear glass vase....

The Graceful Grandeur Rose Bouquet
The Graceful Grandeur Rose Bouquet
The Graceful Grandeur Rose Bouquet
$89.95The Graceful Grandeur Rose Bouquet offers your special recipient a bright assortment of roses to bring them joy with its exquisite beauty. Cream, orange, hot pink, coral and light pink roses are accented with lush greens and gorgeously arranged within a clear glass vase to create a lovely way to sen...

The Lavender Rose Bouquet
The Lavender Rose Bouquet
The Lavender Rose Bouquet
$89.95An enchanting bouquet of lavender roses sweetly touches her heart. Paired with seeded eucalyptus in a stylish glass vase, these lovely roses are a perfect gift....

The Pink Rose Bouquet
The Pink Rose Bouquet
The Pink Rose Bouquet
$89.95Picture-perfect soft pink roses make a beautiful gift for the lovely lady in your life. Wife, mother, daughter or sweetheart, she's sure to cherish this bouquet of pastel pink roses accented with seeded eucalyptus and arranged in a clear glass vase. ...

The Red Rose Bouquet
The Red Rose Bouquet
The Red Rose Bouquet
$89.95Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful red roses. Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic glass vase, this bouquet is a gift to her heart from yours....

The True Romance Rose Bouquet
The True Romance Rose Bouquet
The True Romance Rose Bouquet
$89.95The True Romance Rose Bouquet is the perfect expression of love and passion. A bright burst of color, this bouquet combines red, pink and fuchsia roses, accented with beautiful greens and seated in a clear glass vase, to create a truly romantic representation of your love. ...

The White Rose Bouquet
The White Rose Bouquet
The White Rose Bouquet
$89.95The beauty of white roses is unchallenged. Representing innocence, their versatility makes them a favorite gift to offer congratulations for graduation, engagements, bridal showers, new baby, or even a gift of sympathy....

The Soft Serenade Rose Bouquet
The Soft Serenade Rose Bouquet
The Soft Serenade Rose Bouquet
$99.95The Soft Serenade Rose Bouquet is a sunny and charming flower arrangement set to spread your warmest wishes. Pink roses, yellow spray roses, white hypericum berries, white limonium and lush greens are perfectly arranged within a clear glass bubble bowl vase to create a wonderful way to say thank you...

The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet
The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet
The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet
$99.95The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet blossoms with brilliant roses in bright hues to capture your special recipient's every attention. Hot pink, lavender and orange roses create a splash of color accented with lush bupleurum to make an exceptional flower bouquet. Presented in a modern clear glass vase,...

Fruit & Flowers Basket
Fruit & Flowers Basket
Fruit & Flowers Basket
$84.95The Fruit & Flowers Basket is a thoughtful gift that conveys your warmest sentiments. Pink roses, pink stock, orange spray roses, green gladiolus, variegated ivy, and lush greens are arranged amongst a collection of fruit, gorgeously seated in a large green basket to create a stunning gift. ...

Precious Heart Bouquet
Precious Heart Bouquet
Precious Heart Bouquet
$84.95The Precious Heart Bouquet is a blushing display of loving kindness. Fuchsia roses are sweetly stunning amongst red matsumoto asters, pink mini carnations and lush greens. Arranged in a classic clear glass vase, this bouquet boasts pink perfection to convey your warmest wishes. ...

Red and white handled basket
Red and white handled basket
Red and white handled basket
$84.95A floor basket of red and white standard carnations, a very traditional floral tribute....

Pink and lavender basket
Pink and lavender basket
Pink and lavender basket
$94.95All pink basket of snapdragons, carnations, stargazer lilies and babies breath...

Mixed flowers in a handheld basket
Mixed flowers in a handheld basket
Mixed flowers in a handheld basket
$89.95An abundant mix of alstroemeria, carnations, stock and daisy spray mums made as a floor basket appropriate for funeral home. Made in a plastic hoop basket or paper mache...

Isn't It Romantic
Isn't It Romantic
Isn't It Romantic
$99.95Tonight will certainly be romantic if you send this classic arrangement today! Beautiful hues and gorgeous blossoms will deliver your love. A stunning arrangement of light pink roses, white roses, lilies, lisianthius and sweet pea, plus pink stock make this one of our most desired selections....

Fifteen peach roses
Fifteen peach roses
Fifteen peach roses
$99.95Fifteen long stemmed peach roses with ferns arranged in a glass vase....

Fiery Lily and Rose
Fiery Lily and Rose
Fiery Lily and Rose
$84.95Spark someone's attention by sending this absolutely radiant bouquet. Full of flowers and fiery beauty, it makes a beautiful gift for any occasion. Features dark orange roses and orange asiatic lilies in a charming glass vase. It's fiery and it's fabulous!...

Teleflora's Fall Fantasia
Teleflora's Fall Fantasia
Teleflora's Fall Fantasia
$84.95Absolutely exquisite! This bouquet is a fall flower fantasy come true. All the richness of this colorful season is captured in a stylish glass vase. So pretty, you might have to order one for a friend and one for yourself! Beautiful orange and red roses, yellow asiatic lilies, autumn oak leaves and ...

Pure Happiness
Pure Happiness
Pure Happiness
$84.95Pure happiness is what this pretty bouquet delivers ? whether you're sending it for a fall birthday, Thanksgiving, thank you, or simply just because. Surely, no one can be in the presence of something so inherently happy and not smile. Sunny sunflowers, red roses and miniature carnations, bronze dai...

Summer Samba
Summer Samba
Summer Samba
$99.95Just like a lively samba, this bouquet is an uninhibited celebration of summer. If flowers could dance, these would be burning up the dancefloor. Yellow roses, asiatic lilies, orange dahlias and alstroemeria, yellow daisy spray Viking chrysanthemums and oregonia are delightfully arranged in a clear ...

Burst of Beauty Basket
Burst of Beauty Basket
Burst of Beauty Basket
$94.95A fantastic array of summer's brightest blossoms fill a charming wicker basket that can be used over and over again. It really is bursting with beauty and bounty. Light orange spray roses, hot pink dahlias, carnations and matsumoto asters, green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a rectang...

Medium Dish Garden
Medium Dish Garden
Medium Dish Garden
$99.95This low bowl filled with living plants will also carry comfort and compassion for many months to come. Perfect to send to the home or service. One planter arrives filled with dracaena, ivy, palm, spathiphyllum and syngonium plants....

Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Standard
Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Standard
Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Standard
$84.95Also known as the peace lily, this dark leafy plant with its delicate white blossoms makes a simply elegant gift. There's nothing small about the sentiment delivered along with this pretty plant. A brilliant green spathiphyllum is delivered in a natural wicker basket. Long live elegance!...

Sweet Tranquility Basket
Sweet Tranquility Basket
Sweet Tranquility Basket
$89.95A basket full of bright blossoms will deliver the warmth of sunshine even when the skies seem gray. This beautiful gift will be appreciated for its life-affirming brilliance and your thoughtfulness at this time. Brilliant blooms such as orange and yellow roses and spray roses mix with pink matsumoto...

Serene Retreat
Serene Retreat
Serene Retreat
$94.95White is just right, especially when delivered in a field of green. This beautiful gift is a garden of delights. Perfectly at home inside a home or office, it's a great gift for all reasons and seasons. A white hypoestes is joined by green dieffenbachia, spathipyhllum, ficus and Boston fern that's d...

Emerald Garden Basket
Emerald Garden Basket
Emerald Garden Basket
$84.95You don't have to follow the yellow brick road to find this emerald jewel. All kinds of gorgeous greens fill this basket that makes a perfect gift for men or women. Celebration or sympathy. Birthday or any day. So beautiful and bountiful it will deliver any message eloquently. Pothos, nephthytis, di...

This Magic Moment
This Magic Moment
This Magic Moment
$99.95It will be a magic moment when this divine bowl of pastel roses is hand-delivered to someone special. Perfect for any occasion, the soft colors and variety of rose blossoms will soothe anyone's soul. Beautiful yellow roses, peach and white spray roses and greens are delivered in a clear glass bubble...

Lavender Wishes
Lavender Wishes
Lavender Wishes
$94.95Lovely lavender roses are enchanting and exotic. They can even signify love at first sight, and when this pretty bouquet is delivered it will surely be love. Gorgeous as the roses are by themselves, when mixed with the dark forest green of eucalyptus the effect is intoxicating. Twelve delightful lav...

Rosy Glow Bouquet
Rosy Glow Bouquet
Rosy Glow Bouquet
$94.95Yellow roses symbolize friendship, and sending this sunny bouquet of bright yellow flowers is such a beautiful way to celebrate a special bond. Destined to make anyone's day glow, these roses are brilliant! Glowing yellow roses and solidago mixed with greens are delivered in a clear glass gathering ...

Blossoms in Vogue
Blossoms in Vogue
Blossoms in Vogue
$84.95Blow someone away with a bouquet that has so much style? all it needs is its own runway. Brilliant green hydrangea, hot pink and bi-color roses, hot pink and yellow spray roses and greens are hand-delivered in stunning style: a wide cylinder vase that's been elegantly lined with leaves. This bouquet...

Enchanted Cottage
Enchanted Cottage
Enchanted Cottage
$84.95This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today! White roses and spray roses, lavender stock and waxflower, all perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase that's wrap...

Love and Laughter
Love and Laughter
Love and Laughter
$94.95Know someone you love to make laugh? Someone you love to laugh with? Someone who could use a laugh? Someone who fits all of the above? Well, this beautiful arrangement has charms that extend way beyond its blossoms. Lavender roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple carnations, miniature carnatio...

Arrive In Style
Arrive In Style
Arrive In Style
$84.95This beautiful bouquet will most certainly arrive in style! Ready for the runway, as it were. A delightful combination of light colors and lovely flowers, it's simply beautiful. Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, cushion spray chrysanthemums and statice are delivered in a stylish ...

Teleflora's Heavenly & Harmony
Teleflora's Heavenly & Harmony
Teleflora's Heavenly & Harmony
$84.95Heavenly hues and pretty petals are in perfect harmony in this gorgeous arrangement. Lovely for a birthday, anniversary or just because, it's simply stunning! Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, Queen Anne's lace and salal are beautifully arranged in a glass vase. Heaven sent? Well, someone will...

Meet Me in Provence by Teleflora
Meet Me in Provence by Teleflora
Meet Me in Provence by Teleflora
$94.95With a beauty reminiscent of the south of France, this proud and pretty arrangement holds nothing back. The colors, the flowers and the feeling of Provence are all present and accounted for in this wonderful bouquet. Yellow roses, spray roses and asiatic lilies, white spray roses and stock and the e...

Basket Full of Wishes
Basket Full of Wishes
Basket Full of Wishes
$84.95Wishes do come true, by the basketful, actually. This delightful arrangement is so full of sunny blossoms, it even includes a pretty yellow butterfly who obviously feels right at home, basking in the warmth. Brilliant yellow spray roses, asiatic lilies, miniature gerberas, carnations, alstroemeria, ...

Cotton Candy
Cotton Candy
Cotton Candy
$84.95What a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! This pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! Feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. It's a beautiful thing! Pretty pink roses, spray roses and miniature carnations, whi...

She's Lovely
She's Lovely
She's Lovely
$89.95Thank heaven for little girls! And for adorable arrangements like this one! Perfect for new moms, new babies and girly-girls of all ages, this sweet basket of pink petals is sure to get a warm welcome! Pretty pink hydrangea, roses and spray roses along with Queen Anne's lace are delivered in a charm...

Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
$94.95Awe and wonder. That's what's included in this magical bouquet. It's a beautiful mix of radiant blossoms in a stunning glass vase. Brilliant blue hydrangea, orange roses, light pink asiatic lilies, hot pink gerberas, pink alstroemeria, purple chrysanthemums and more fill a fabulously feminine vase. ...

Teleflora's Perfectly Pleasing Pinks
Teleflora's Perfectly Pleasing Pinks
Teleflora's Perfectly Pleasing Pinks
$99.95A perfectly pleasing mix of sweet springtime blossoms make this a truly happy gift. So full of feminine flowers and fun feelings, this is the perfect arrangement to make her smile. Dazzling white spray roses, hot pink gerberas and matsumoto asters, pink carnations, lavender cushion mums, light pink ...

Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet
Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet
Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet
$94.95Think pink. Think pretty. Think present. This beautifully feminine bouquet makes a wonderful gift for any woman. Light pink asiatic lilies and alstroemeria share the spotlight with pink roses and waxflower. Lovely lavender stock and seeded eucalyptus have been added to complete this bouquet that's d...

Teleflora's Dazzling Day Bouquet
Teleflora's Dazzling Day Bouquet
Teleflora's Dazzling Day Bouquet
$94.95Dazzle someone on their special day with a balloon-festooned bouquet. Delightful blossoms and a shiny birthday balloon are sure to make their day! Pink roses, yellow gerberas and daisy spray chrysanthemums, dark pink alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, light pink matsumoto asters and miniature ca...

Make Me Blush
Make Me Blush
Make Me Blush
$89.95It's fun to be flirty! Send a dozen roses to the one you love and she just might make you blush. Especially if the dozen roses in question are this gorgeous! This arrangement is sweet and innocent as can be. Of course, it's a bit sassy and a whole lot sexy, as well. Sending a dozen perfectly pink ro...

Cupid's Creation by Teleflora
Cupid's Creation by Teleflora
Cupid's Creation by Teleflora
$99.95Classic beauty and romance to spare, thanks to the graceful lines of a Couture Vase filled with stunning roses ? the iconic flower of love. Like the arrow released from Cupid's bow, this gorgeous bouquet will go straight to your lover's heart. Exquisite red and pink roses, white and light pink spray...

Always on My Mind
Always on My Mind
Always on My Mind
$89.95A dozen gorgeous red roses are the perfect romantic gift to send to the one who's always on your mind and in your heart. Say I love you by sending this lovely arrangement of twelve radiant red roses and fresh greens delivered in a beautiful spring garden vase. Love always. ...

Red and white floor basket
Red and white floor basket
Red and white floor basket
$89.95A floor basket of red carnations and white gladioli. Appropriate for funeral home....

Be My Love
Be My Love
Be My Love
$84.95Add some romance to your life with the Be My Love bouquet, a rich arrangement of luxurious flowers in classic Valentine’s colors. With hand-selected red roses, white lilies and playful daisies, this arrangement radiates with loving sentiments and it is sure to touch your recipient's heart. Our net...

Teleflora's Rose Classique
Teleflora's Rose Classique
Teleflora's Rose Classique
$89.95Red roses have symbolized love and romance for centuries. One need only gaze at a classic red rose arrangement, like this one, to see why. Red roses are stunning, dramatic, and they say so much ? without saying a word. A dozen red roses with garden greens are hand-delivered in a fashionable Couture ...
Every premium flower arrangement we offer comes with expedient same-day delivery to any location. We have an intimate relationship with local venues across the US and Canada, ensuring that your fresh flowers are received in their most pure and unblemished state, just as vibrant and alive as the day they were picked.
In our flowers under $80 category, you'll find special treasures like the Lavender Rose Bouquet, a quality arrangement of pale purple flowers and fragrant eucalyptus that is both rare and utterly enchanting. Another crowd-pleasing bestseller is our Long Stem Yellow Roses Box, perfect for the woman who takes your breath away and commands a gift that is as original as it is lovely.